Candidate Engagement

1. Commitment to Excellence
At Job N Job, we are dedicated to providing both our candidates and clients with unparalleled service levels and continuously seek to enhance our practices based on your valuable feedback.
We pledge to our candidates and clients to:
- Serve as a reliable and enduring partner for all your business or career needs.
- Place inclusivity at the core of our operations.
- Conduct all interactions with integrity and accountability.
- Ensure timely and effective communication.
- Advocate on your behalf using the information you trust us with.
- Manage your data with utmost confidentiality and professionalism.
2. Feedback and Resolution Policy
This guideline outlines the steps to take should you wish to express any dissatisfaction with the services provided by us.
We encourage you to discuss any issues initially with your primary contact at Job N Job. If you find this unsuitable or are dissatisfied with the resolution, please proceed as follows:
Feedback is invaluable for enhancing our operations as it can reveal areas for improvement in our procedures, which in turn can enhance service quality.
We aim to:
- Make the process of filing a complaint straightforward.
- Address any complaints as serious indications of service dissatisfaction that require immediate and thorough responses.
- Ensure complaints are handled with urgency and professionalism, regardless of the medium through which they are presented.
- Offer clear and sincere apologies if mistakes are made, and outline correctivemeasures.
- Learn from every complaint to refine our services, retrain our team, or reconsider our procedures.
3. Filing a Complaint
To file a complaint, please reach out to your primary contact at Job N Job. Alternatively, you can contact us via:
- Post
- Phone
Our office is located at Job N Job, 492 Great West Road, Hounslow TW5 0TE.
Call us at: 020 8570 6290
Email us at:
Contact details for specific concerns:
- Managing Director, Akbar Mirza –
- Delivery Manager, Hiren Gohel –
Please include your phone number in your written complaint if you prefer a telephone response or provide a full postal address.
4. What to Expect After a Complaint
We will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours and aim to resolve it fully within 3 working days. If a detailed investigation is necessary and we cannot respond fully within this period, an interim update will be provided, outlining the steps being taken and an expected timeline. Our goal is to resolve all complaints within 15 days of receipt.